
Ang Thong Marine National Park

Ang Thong Marine National Park It is an island in the Gulf of Thailand in the Ang Thong subdistrict. Koh Samui District Surat Thani Province It is approximately 20 kilometers west of Koh Samui and Koh Phangan and consists of approximately 40 islands. On almost every island there is a sandy beach. Some islands have pure white sand. Some islands have many types of coral along the seashore. Many beautiful colors In the midst of tranquility Ang Thong Marine National Park has an area of ​​approximately 63,750 rai or 102 square kilometers.

The Ang Thong Islands area was originally a restricted area for the Royal Thai Navy, which had a project to build a naval base to control the security of the country on the Gulf of Thailand. But with beautiful scenery, lakes, cliffs, Talu Cave, swallow nest islands, various types of birds and coral reefs. It is a habitat and breeding ground for many types of fish. In June 1975, Mr. Somboon Wongpakdee, a forestry academic with a bachelor’s degree National Park Division Wrote a documentary article on “Ang Thong Islands Marine National Park” which was published in the Thairath newspaper on June 29, 1975, summarized the main points as follows: The Ang Thong Islands should be arranged. Koh Samui District Surat Thani Province to be a national marine park In addition, the National Park Division already has a project in place as well. And the National Park Committee passed a resolution at meeting No. 2/2518 on October 22, 1975, for the Royal Forest Department to consider organizing the Ang Thong Islands as another marine national park.

In the year 1975, the National Park Division There was a memo at กส.0708/915 dated 19 November 1975 submitted to the Forest Department. Mr. Somboon Wongpakdee, a forestry academic with a bachelor’s degree, went to conduct a survey. It appeared that the Ang Thong Islands Consisting of approximately 40 islands, there are beautiful scenery, lakes, cliffs, Talu Cave, Swallow’s Nest Island. and various kinds of birds, coral reefs are habitats and breeding grounds for many kinds of fish. The Forest Department therefore proposed to the National Parks Committee, which resolved at its meeting No. 1/2519 on April 21, 1976, for the Forest Department to examine details about the Ang Thong Islands with the Ministry of Defence. and inspect the land in the said area National Park Division There was a letter No. กส.0708/1613 dated May 26, 1976, proposing to the Royal Forest Department to Mr. Sinchai Buranarek, Forestry Specialist 4, to proceed according to the resolution of the National Park Board. And the Ministry of Defense has a letter No. 0352 / 26927 dated December 17, 1976, not objecting to the Royal Forest Department designating the Ang Thong Islands as a national park.

The Forest Department therefore presented it to the National Park Committee, which resolved at its meeting No. 1/2520 on February 3, 1977, to approve the designation as a national park. The Surat Thani Province also issued a letter, No. Sor. 25/21994, dated April 18, 1977, supporting the establishment of the Ang Thong Marine National Park. There was a royal decree specifying land in the Ang Thong Islands area in Ang Thong Subdistrict, Samui District, Surat Thani Province, totaling an area of ​​102 square kilometers. Make it a national park which was announced in the Royal Gazette, Volume 97, Section 174, dated November 12, 1980, is considered the 21st national park of Thailand.

Topographical features

Ang Thong Marine National Park Located in Ang Thong Subdistrict, Samui District, Surat Thani Province. Located between the latitude of 9 degrees 31 minutes – 9 degrees 43 minutes north and the longitude of 99 degrees 39 minutes – 99 degrees 44 minutes east. It consists of 42 islands. The islands are limestone hills and almost all have steep cliffs. The height from sea level ranges from 10-396 meters above sea level. Arranged in a north-south direction. Large islands such as Koh Wua Ta Lap, Koh Phaluai, Koh Mae Ko, Koh Samsao, Koh Hin Dab, and Koh Tai Phlao. Most of the area of ​​Ang Thong National Park is water. There is approximately 15 percent of the forest floor. The general forest condition has very few large trees. This is because the island is a limestone mountain with a thin layer of soil.
Climate characteristics

Ang Thong Marine National Park is under the influence of the monsoon winds that blow through, causing heavy rain and violent storm surges.

Summer is between February and mid-May. This period is the free period of the monsoon season after the end of the northeast monsoon season. The weather will start to get hot and will be the hottest in April.

The rainy season is between May and mid-October. It is the period of the southwest monsoon. which is a hot and humid wind from the Indian Ocean blowing over it causing general rain Average rainfall is 2,000 millimeters per year.

Winter is between October and February. During this period, the cool and dry northeast monsoon from China will blow over. causing general temperature drops and cold weather But because it was influenced by the Gulf of Thailand sea The weather is therefore not very cold and there will be rain in general. Especially from October to November. For the period from December to January The average lowest temperature is 20 degrees Celsius. The average temperature throughout the year is 28 degrees Celsius.

For the period during November of every year It is the monsoon season. The sea will have strong waves. Make the trip to Ang Thong National Marine Park. Surat Thani Province There is no safety for tourists. The National Park has therefore determined to close annual tourism as follows.

Closed tourist season From 1 -30 November every year
Open tourism season From 1 December – 31 October every year.
Flora and fauna

Natural plant characteristics of Ang Thong National Park Divided according to the nature of the forest and the habitat it depends on:
Dry evergreen forest covers an area of ​​large islands, namely Koh Wua Ta Lap, Koh Phaluai, Koh Samsao, in the mountainside areas and along stream channels. There are important plant species such as round-leafed plank, rakkhao, rakkhao, langur head, raisin-eating plank, burnt, and shrubs on the lower level, such as thorny Khoi, scattered everywhere. Underground plants and epiphytic plants include turtles, rattan, and calves.